The “E-GOV Research Report” is a transnational survey coordinated by TAL TECH University across six member states. This report is aimed primarily at policymakers, youth NGOs, youth workers, specialized academic institutions, and other stakeholders interested in facilitating change. It offers a comprehensive analysis of the needs, expectations, and challenges young people face in relation to e-governance services.

The “E-GOV Training Program” is an initiative dedicated to young people, specifically targeting highly skilled NEETs aged between 24 and 29. The program aims to increase young people’s civic engagement by bringing them closer to institutions and actively involving them in shaping local development strategies through E-Governance tools and technologies. Based on the outcomes of WP2 (PR1), the program will be validated with support from key stakeholders and piloted across all partner countries, engaging 60 young participants. The training curriculum will be structured into 6 modules totaling 39 hours, utilizing a blended learning approach. Following the testing phase, the training materials will be refined and officially launched, accompanied by a mini-manual for youth workers.

The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) of EGOV4YOUTH will be a powerful open educational resource (OER) dedicated to E-Governance. Based on the 6 modules already tested and validated, the MOOC will enable young recipients and other interested parties such as adults, professionals, and public administration operators to access the training program free of charge at any time. It will remain available for 5 years after the project concludes, supported by resources provided by the partners.

The EGOV4YOUTH Platform will provide an interactive space where young people and public administrations can effectively collaborate on initiatives and projects for local community development. Developed by project partners, the platform will be based on a document prepared by project participants as part of transnational cooperative learning efforts. It will include consultations on youth issues, local youth resource mapping, and bottom-up mechanisms to foster community innovation.
MOUs With Local PAs
The project promotes the integration of youth organizations, local institutions, and partners into an innovative alliance to support transnational E-GOV projects. Operating in close collaboration with WP3 for the design, testing, and validation of the training pathway, and with WP5 for communication, visibility, and follow-up activities, the aim is to create a lasting impact on local communities by improving access to education, civic participation, and digital innovation.